Dual Degree in Computer and Cognitive Science
(New students are encouraged to consider the ASCS or BSE in Computer Science degrees, which, starting in 2020, offer a concentration in Cognitive Science. In the future we expect these tracks to offer more flexibility and opportunities.)
This program combines studies in computer science and engineering with linguistics, mathematics, philosophy or psychology, and receive a BSE or BAS degree from Penn Engineering and Bachelor of Arts from the College of Arts and Sciences. Requirements for the program are guided by the degree sought (BAS or BSE), and include 12-16 course units in Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy or Psychology and 4 course units in a Foreign Language.
All Dual Degree Programs (for example, combining Computer Science with a different degree from another School at Penn) are administered through Penn Engineering Research and Academic Services. For rules and regulations and how to apply, click here.
Undergraduate Program:
Your CIS Contacts:
Jessica Kimpel
Academic Advisor
Office: 308 Levine
Email: jkimpel@seas.upenn.edu
Rob Lee
Academic Advisor
Office: 308 Levine
Email: rkplee@seas.upenn.edu
Laura Fox
Associate Director
Office: 309 Levine
Phone: 215-898-3191
Email: lffox@seas.upenn.edu
Lee Dukes
Sr. Director of Academic Affairs
Office: 361 Levine
Email: ldukes@seas.upenn.edu
Dr. Joseph Devietti
Undergraduate Curriculum Chair
Office: 572 Levine
Email: devietti@cis.upenn.edu