Undergraduate Program Options

In all programs, the opportunity exists for the study of a diversity of subjects which satisfy personal desires, the development of a broad foundation for adapting to new societal demands, and the flexibility for moving into new areas of interest if a change in personal career direction develops. Several options exist for students to customize their undergraduate experience.

Dual Majors

A student who is interested in two of the Engineering and Applied Science majors may be permitted to expand his/her program in order to earn a degree in both majors. In such cases, the student must satisfy the degree requirements for both BSE curricula. (BAS students are not permitted to dual major within engineering.) A dual major earns a student a single degree from Penn Engineering with two majors listed.

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Dual Degrees

Students may combine a BAS or BSE degree with a second degree in one of Penn’s other undergraduate schools. A Dual Degree is not to be confused with options that result in a single degree, such as a “Dual Major,” (see above) where a student earns two majors within Penn Engineering, or with a “Second Major” (see below) where an engineering major also earns a major within the College. A graduate of a dual degree program graduates with degrees from two schools at Penn.

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Second Major (for Engineering students)

Some engineering students may wish to consider a second major in the College of Arts and Sciences as an alternative to a dual degree. All College majors are open to engineering students (both BSE and BAS) as a second major. It is important to note that this program results in a single degree (from SEAS) with two majors, one in SEAS and one in SAS. Students interested in pursuing a second major in the College should contact directly the Department that offers the major.

Second Major (for College students)

Students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences can apply for a second major in Computer Science. This will result in a single degree from the College with two majors. This option is not available for students enrolled in Penn Engineering.

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For information about a minor in Computer Science, click here. For information about a minor in Data Science, click here.

Minoring is a popular option and allows students to complement an area of focus by adding minor from any of the Penn Engineering departments (with the exception of Bioengineering and Digital Media Design) or one of the many subject areas in the College of Arts and Sciences. Information about how to obtain a minor in SEAS or the College can be found here.


Penn Engineering undergraduate students may begin an engineering graduate program while still completing their undergraduate program. Application for submatriculation must be made by June 1 of the student’s junior year. As a submatriculant, the student may take up to three graduate courses (or four courses in the Master of Biotechnology Program), while registered as an undergraduate student, to fulfill both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements, subject to approval by both the undergraduate and graduate program Chairs.

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Undergraduate Program:

Your CIS Contacts:

Jessica Kimpel
Academic Advisor
Office: 308 Levine
Email: jkimpel@seas.upenn.edu

Rob Lee
Academic Advisor
Office: 308 Levine
Email: rkplee@seas.upenn.edu

Laura Fox
Associate Director
Office: 309 Levine
Phone: 215-898-3191
Email: lffox@seas.upenn.edu

Lee Dukes
Sr. Director of Academic Affairs
Office: 361 Levine
Email: ldukes@seas.upenn.edu

Dr. Joseph Devietti
Undergraduate Curriculum Chair
Office: 572 Levine
Email: devietti@cis.upenn.edu