CSCI Degree Requirements

Entered Fall 2012


Math (6 CU)

MATH 104
MATH 114
CIS 160
CIS 261 or ESE 301 or ENM 321 or Stat 430
Math Elective
Math Elective

Natural Science (4 CU)

For CSCI Majors, Nat Sci may also include the following Cog Sci Courses: LING 250, 330; PSYC 111, 121 (these courses cannot be used by CSCI majors in the SSH category)

PHYS 140 or PHYS 150
PHYS 141 or PHYS 151
Natural Science
Natural Science/Lab Reqt*

*NOTE: One year of laboratory course work is required which can be used as one of the 4 CU’s. One way to satisfy this requirement is by taking PHYS 150 and PHYS 151.

Engineering (14 CU)

CIS 110
CIS 120
CIS 121
CIS 240
CIS 262
CIS 320
Select one from the following list: CIS 277, 330, 341, 455, 553, or ESE 350
CIS 371
CIS 380
CIS 400
CIS 401
CIS Elective*
CIS Elective*
CIS Elective*

*A CIS elective is a CIS or MKSE  engineering course. The SEAS student handbook defines all CIS and MKSE classes numbered 1xx-5xx as engineering courses, with the following exceptions: CIS 100, 101, 106, 125, 160, 261, 262. These courses do not count as CIS engineering classes (except CIS 262 which counts as an engineering course for CSCI majors). Additionally, ESE 350 may be used to satisfy a CIS Elective requirement.

Please note: Students may count at most 1 c.u. of 1xx credit towards their CIS Electives.

Tech Elective (6 CU)

(Dept. Approval Required)

Two Engineering Courses required. Remaining course can be from:

1: Any approved minor or minor equiv; or a sequence of approved courses.

2: Any Math, Nat Sci or Eng, or the following list: LING 106; PHIL 231, 244, 411, 413, 444, 445; PSYC 413; OPIM 220, 321, 325

Tech Elective (Engineering)
Tech Elective (Engineering)
Tech Elective
Tech Elective
Tech Elective
Tech Elective

Social Sci & Humanities (7 CU)

Social Science
Social Science
SS or Humanities
SS, H, or TBS
SS, H, or TBS

The SSH Depth and Writing Reqts must be satisfied from the SSH courses above.

SSH Depth Requirement

(Two courses in one SSH subject area)
SSH Depth Reqt
SSH Depth Reqt

Writing Requirement

(One Writing Seminar)
Writing Seminar

Free Elective (3 CU)

Free Elective
Free Elective
Free Elective

Undergraduate Program:

Your CIS Contacts:

Jessica Kimpel
Academic Advisor
Office: 308 Levine

Rob Lee
Academic Advisor
Office: 308 Levine

Laura Fox
Associate Director
Office: 309 Levine
Phone: 215-898-3191

Lee Dukes
Sr. Director of Academic Affairs
Office: 361 Levine

Dr. Joseph Devietti
Undergraduate Curriculum Chair
Office: 572 Levine