
Generating plans im linear logic

The increasing interest for applications of linear logic 
motivates the present announcement of our own works on
"Planification  and Linear Logic". 
These works - performed before the beginning of the current
mailing list - have been largely diffused (in Europ and in the 
world) since 1990, especially at the German Congress on Artificial
Intelligence (GWAI'91), workshop Logic and Change.

Up to 1989, several attempts in the relation between logic
and the changes involved in reasoning and specifically in
plan generation, have been made, either by embedding actions 
into a classical framework or by using non-standard formalisms.
We have thought that these attempts, though promising, missed
their objectives, for a want of a suitable logic.
We have shown how to obtain a strong and clean correspondence
between proofs and sequences of actions only by using linear
logic. A theorem is presented which expresses the new adequacy
between proofs and actions.
After the proof theoretical study, M. Masseron has proposed
a new characterization of actions, in the spirit of proof-nets
in the conjunctive case. The work on the disjunctive case
has also be treated : a preliminary version has been diffused
since 1991 ; an achieved version will be presented at the 
ESPRIT workshop "Logic and Change" at Lisboa (january 1993).

M. Masseron, C. Tollu, J. Vauzeilles

1. Masseron M. Tollu C. Vauzeilles J. : "Plan Generation and Linear LogicJ".
Proceedings of FST-TCS 10.  Lectures Notes in Computer Science. 1990, p.63-75.

2. Masseron M. Tollu C. Vauzeilles J. :  "Planification et Logique Lineaire".
Proceedings of "8ieme Congres Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence
Artificielle". AFCET. Lyon-nov 25-29 1991, p.751-761. and Revue d'Intelligence 
Artificielle, octobre 1992, p.285-311.

3. Masseron M. Tollu C. Vauzeilles J. : "Generating Plans in Linear Logic :
I. Actions as proofs". Theoretical Computer Science, vol 113, juin 93
(to appear).

4. Masseron M. : "Generating Plans in Linear Logic : II. A geometry
of conjunctive actions". Theoretical Computer Science, vol 113, juin 93
(to appear).