Fall 2012

MATH 115, TTh 10:30-12, DRL A7

Calculus II with Probability and Matrices

Professor Andre Scedrov

Homework Assignments

Office: Room DRL 4E6
Office Hours: M 2:20-3:20, T 1-2, or by appointment. Last regular office hours are on December 4. There will be extra reviews on Thursday, December 6, 5 - 6:30 p.m. in DRL 2C6, given by Mr. Gu, and also two reviews by Prof. Scedrov: on Friday, December 14, 3 - 6 p.m. in DRL A-5 and on Monday, December 17, 3 - 6 p.m. in DRL A-5.

Teaching Assistant: Shi Gu DRL 1N1 gus at sas dot upenn dot edu
Teaching Assistant Office Hours: DRL 1N1 T W 5:45 - 6:45.

Math 115 Resources

Any type of problem from Math 115 old finals or core problems can come up on our final exam, which will be held Tuesday, December 18, 9 - 11 a.m. in DRL A-6.

Grading Policy and Exam Dates

There will be two midterm exams of 80 minutes each, held in class. You do not have to hand in homework, but there will be a quiz from the previous week's homework at the beginning of each recitation. The first quiz will be Wednesday, September 19 and Friday, September 21, respectively. Each midterm exam will also be based on the homework so if you have done the homework you should do well on the quizzes and on the midterm exams. No calculators will be allowed during the quizzes, on the midterm exams, nor on the final exam. You may bring only one page of note (8.5 x 11) both sides. No books or notebooks allowed during the quizzes, the midterm exams, nor the final exam.

Rules regarding missed exams. Two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. There will be a make up exam only for the final exam. For the two midterm exams there will be no make up exams. Only if you have a valid reason for missing a midterm exam, such as a note from a physician, you will receive the adjusted grade for the missed midterm exam. The adjusted grade for the missed midterm exam will be computed from the score you get for that portion on the final exam.

You will get your midterm exams back in recitation. If you think your midterm exam has not been graded correctly you should take it to your recitation leader during or right after recitation. DO NOT WRITE ON YOUR EXAM. On a separate sheet paper indicate why you think your exam was incorrectly graded. Once you have had the midterm exam in your posession outside of class or if you have written on your midterm exam you no longer can have your midterm exam regraded. For example, if a friend picks up your midterm exam for you, you forfeit the right to have your midterm exam regraded. If you are ill and can not go to recitation see you TA during office hours or at the following recitation.

Your course grade will be computed as follows:

A schedule of midterm exams follows. These exams will be given in class. For material covered on midterm exams click on Homework Assignments. Note that the second midterm exam will emphasize the new material but will include some old material as well.

The common final exam will be on Tuesday, December 18, 9 - 11 a.m. in DRL A-6. No calculators will be allowed during the final exam. You may bring only one page of note (8.5 x 11) both sides. No books or notebooks allowed during the final exam. The final exam will cover all the material covered in the course.

Homework Assignments