
CFP: 1996 Federated Logic Conference (text/Latex)

--------The Types Forum---------http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types--------

[A postscript version of this announcement is available on the web at
 http://www.research.att.com/lics/FLoC/, and by ftp from 
 research.att.com,  directory /dist/floc.]

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]

			   Call For Papers



    July 27 - August 3, 1996, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

As part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS will host
the 1996 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC).  FLoC is modeled after the
successful Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC), and brings
together synergetic conferences that apply logic to computer science.
The participating conferences are: Conference on Automated Deduction
(CADE), Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), IEEE
Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), and Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA).

LICS and RTA will be held in parallel during the first four days of
FLoC.  CADE and CAV will be held during the last four days, with CADE
workshops running in parallel with the last day of LICS.  Plenary
events involving all the conferences are scheduled.

       CADE:    July 30 - August 3 
       CAV:     July 31 - August 3
       LICS:    July 27 - July 30 
       RTA:     July 27 - July 30 

PAPER SUBMISSION: FLoC itself does not have a separate submissions
process.  Submissions must be directed to the individual conferences.
Parallel submissions are not allowed: a paper may not be submitted to
more than one of the participating conferences.  The calls for papers
of the participating conferences can be obtained via the FLoC web
page, or via anonymous ftp.  Submission deadlines:

       CADE:    January 12, 1996 
       CAV:     January 4, 1996 
       LICS:    December 13, 1995 
       RTA:     January 15, 1996 

WWW:  http://www.research.att.com/lics/FLoC/.

FTP:  From research.att.com, directory /dist/floc/.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For e-mail enquiries regarding the participating
meetings, use rta96@mpi-sb.mpg.de, cade13@cisr.anu.edu.au,
lics96@cs.cmu.edu, or cav96@research.att.com.  Information about the
DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms can be found in

Jon G. Riecke                         Rajeev Alur, AT&T Bell Labs
AT&T Bell Laboratories                Leo Bachmair, SUNY Stony Brook 
600 Mountain Avenue, Rm 2B-430        Amy Felty, AT&T Bell Labs
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA            Douglas J. Howe, AT&T Bell Labs
riecke@research.att.com               Jon G. Riecke, AT&T Bell Labs
Phone: (607) 582-4517
Fax: (607) 582-7550

Moshe Y. Vardi                        Steve Mahaney, DIMACS
Department of Computer Science        Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice
Rice University
6100 S. Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005-1892, USA

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{\small CALL FOR PAPERS}\\[3ex]
{\large\bf 1996 Federated Logic Conference }\\[2ex]
{\Large\bf FLoC'96 }\\[2ex]
{\large\it July 27 - August 3, 1996, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA}


\begin{minipage}[t]{2.00in}% first column


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{\bf Conference Committee Chair:} \\[1mm]
Jon G. Riecke\\
AT\&T Bell Laboratories\\
600 Mountain Avenue, Rm 2B-430\\
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA\\
{\tt riecke@research.att.com}\\
Phone: (607) 582-4517\\
Fax: (607) 582-7550\\


{\bf Conference Committee:} \\[1mm]
Rajeev Alur, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\
Leo Bachmair, \i{SUNY Stony Brook} \\
Amy Felty, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\
Douglas J. Howe, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\
Jon G. Riecke, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\


{\bf Steering Committee Chair:}\\[1mm]
Moshe Y.~Vardi\\
Department of Computer Science\\
Rice University\\
6100 S.~Main Street\\
Houston, Texas 77005-1892, USA\\
{\tt vardi@cs.rice.edu}\\[1mm]


{\bf Steering Committee:} \\[1mm]
Steve Mahaney, \i{DIMACS}\\
Moshe Y.~Vardi, \i{Rice}\\

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As part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS will host
the 1996 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC).  FLoC is modeled after the
successful Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC), and brings
together synergetic conferences that apply logic to computer science.
The participating conferences are: Conference on Automated Deduction
(CADE), Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), IEEE
Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), and Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA).

LICS and RTA will be held in parallel during the first four days of
FLoC.  CADE and CAV will be held during the last four days, with CADE
workshops running in parallel with the last day of LICS.  Plenary
events involving all the conferences are scheduled.

CADE: &   July 30 -- August 3 \\
CAV: &  July 31 -- August 3\\
LICS: & July 27 -- July 30 \\
RTA: & July 27 -- July 30 \\

{\bf Paper submission:} FLoC itself does not have a separate
submissions process.  Submissions must be directed to the individual
conferences.  Parallel submissions are not allowed: a paper may not
be submitted to more than one of the participating conferences.  The
calls for papers of the participating conferences can be obtained via
the FLoC web page, or via anonymous ftp.  Submission deadlines:

%\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bf Submission Deadlines:} \\ 
CADE:   & January 12, 1996 \\
CAV:    & January 4, 1996 \\
LICS:   & December 13, 1995 \\
RTA:    & January 15, 1996 \\

{\bf WWW:}\ \ {\em http://www.research.att.com/lics/FLoC/}.

{\bf FTP:}\ \  From {\em research.att.com}, directory {\em /dist/floc/}.

{\bf Further Information:} For e-mail enquiries regarding the
participating meetings, use rta96@\-mpi-sb.mpg.de, cade13@\-cisr.anu.edu.au,
lics96@\-cs.cmu.edu, or cav96@\-research.att.com.  Information about the
DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms can be found in
