Change log for LNgen ==================== Version 0.3 ----------- * LNgen generates local closure predicates for both `Prop` and `Set`. Theorems are stated using the version in `Prop`. * The distribution includes the Coq formalizations for the paper "LNgen: Tool Support for Locally Nameless Representations." Version 0.2 ----------- * Output from LNgen integrates more nicely with the output from Ott. In fact, the output from LNgen must be combined with the output from Ott in order for everything to compile. For this all to work, however, you must patch Ott and structure your input files in a particular way. Details are in the README file that comes with the distribution. * Output from LNgen requires "the regular" metatheory library, not a customized version that departs radically from previous releases of the library. * LNgen accepts additional command-line arguments---in particular, one to admit all generated lemmas (useful during language development to avoid repeated recompilation). * LNgen, in concert with Ott, generates local closure predicates for `Set` and `Prop`. The two version are proved equivalent to each other. Most lemmas are proved for the version in Prop. * LNgen generates statements and proofs of more lemmas. Version 0.1 ----------- * Initial release.