Homework 6 - CIS501 Fall 2012

Instructor:Prof. Milo Martin
"First Results" Due:
Monday, December 3rd at at 6pm (no extensions allowed)
Final Writeup Due:
Friday, December 7th at at 6pm (if you use a "late period", you can turn it in up to Monday, December 10th at 6pm).
Instructions:This is an individual work assignment. Sharing of answers or code is strictly prohibited. For the short answer questions, Show your work to document how you came up with your answers.

"First Results" and "Final Writeup"

This final assignment has a bit more coding than in some of the nprevious assignments, as it requires using modeling of map tables, queues, and buffers inside a modern core. To ensure that none of you underestimate the coding involved (and that we make sure we've fixed any ambiguities in the assignment or bugs in the debug traces) we're asking you to turn in a "first results" document, which consists of a single graph. This document is due several days before the final assignment writeup, and it will account of a relatively small amount of the overall assignment grade (say, ~10%). There are no "extensions" allowed on the first results document; if you cannot complete it in time, you'll only lose that relatively small amount on the overall assignment, so just keep working on the assignment and its final writeup.


This assignment explores the operation of out-of-order execution (dynamic scheduling) and its effectiveness in extracting instruction-level-parallelism. As a fully detailed simulation of such a core is beyond what could be feasibly done for an assignment, the model of the processor core described in this assignment is approximate in many ways (failing to capture many second-order effects), but it does capture the most important first-order effects of instruction execution.

This assignment uses the same traces as previous assignments (see Trace Format document).

As before, you'll write a program that reads in the trace and simulates different processor core configurations. You're welcome to write the program in whatever language you like; although we are going to ask for you to turn in your source code, the end result of this assignment are the experimental results (the program source code is just a means to the end).

Step #1: Register Renaming

The first step is applying register renaming to the instruction stream. You will need two data structures for this:

Renaming Algorithm

The renaming algorithm:

For each valid source register:
  microop.phys_reg_source[i] = maptable[microop.arch_reg_source[i]]

For each valid destination register:
  microop.phys_reg_to_free[i] = maptable[microop.arch_reg_destination[i]]
  new_reg = freelist.dequeue()
  maptable[microop.arch_reg_destination[i]] = new_reg
  microop.phys_reg_destination[i] = new_reg

At commit:

for each valid destination register:

Handling flags. One wrinkle in dealing with x86 is that we need to handle the flags (condition codes). To avoid WAW and WAR hazards on the flags, you must rename them as well. To do this, we'll treat the flags like just another architectural register by assigning it architectural register 49. Any instruction the reads (or write) the flags is then set to read (or write) architectural register 49. Thus, each micro-op has up to three source registers and up to two destination, all of which must be renamed according to the above algorithm.

Renaming Test Cases

To help you debug your renaming code, we've provided some renamed traces for you to compare your code with. Even without all the rest of the out-of-order machinery, you can generate a trace of the renamed instruction stream for a given number of physical registers. To generate a rename trace, instead of waiting to commit to free the registers, you can just free the register right after renaming it; the FIFO (first-in, first-out) nature of the queue will ensure the rename trace is the same.

The output rename trace has the following format:

43, r7 -> p49, r5 -> p7 [p5] | MOV LOAD
44, r5 -> p7, r44 -> p58 [p13], r49 -> p50 [p59] | CMP SUB_IMM
45, r49 -> p50 | J JMP_IMM
46, r45 -> p44 [p52] | CMP SAVE_PC

The first column is the micro-op count (the line number from the trace). This is followed by pairs of architectural registers and their mapping to physical registers. The destination registers also include the register that should be freed when they commit in square brackets. If an instruction doesn't have a valid architectural register, it doesn't display anything for that register. The register mappings are followed by the pipe ("|") symbol and then the macro-op and micro-op descriptors.

The renamed instruction trace for the gcc-1K.trace.gz for 60 and 256 registers, respectively:

You can download all the traces at: gcc-1K.outputs.tar.gz

Step #2: Dynamic Scheduling

Now that you've implemented register renaming in Step #1, the next step is to implement the pipeline simulation for out-of-order execution (dynamic scheduling) and explore its impact on instruction-level parallelism.

To simulate an (idealized) out-of-order processor core, we are going to model a reorder buffer (ROB) of finite size, but assume there are plenty of physical registers, instruction queue entries, load queue entries, store queue entries, and assume that an N-way superscalar machine can always fetch N instructions and execute any N instructions in a given cycle. All non-loads will have a single-cycle latency; loads have a two-cycle latency (one-cycle load-to-use penalty). For now, we'll assume a perfect cache. The pipeline is also simplified in that we are going to model a relatively short pipeline.

As before, we have generated test cases that allow you to check your simulator to make sure it is executing correctly (see below).

Reorder Buffer (ROB)

The key data structure for dynamic scheduling is the reorder buffer (ROB). It has fixed number of entries, with one entry for each micro-op than has been fetched and not yet committed. The ROB is managed as a FIFO queue. At instruction fetch, micro-ops are enqueued at the tail of the ROB. At instruction commit, micro-ops are dequeued from the head of the ROB. As with the free list, you may wish to use "ArrayDeque" in Java or "deque" in C++'s STL to model the ROB.

Instead of modeling a separate instruction queue of instructions waiting to execute, we're also going to use the ROB as the main scheduling data structure, so you'll need to support iterating over the ROB from the oldest instruction (the "head" of the queue) to the youngest (the "tail" of the queue) instruction. Fortunately, both Java's "ArrayDeque" and C++'s "deque" support such iterators.

Information for Each Micro-op

We suggest that you make each entry of the ROB an object (or struct) with all the information about each micro-ops:

  • SourceRegisters. The input (source) physical registers (up to three of them)
  • RegisterReady. Is the corresponding input register ready? (up to three registers)
  • RegisterDestinations. The output (destination) physical registers (up to two of them)
  • isLoad. Is the micro-op a load operation?
  • isStore. Is the micro-op a store operation?
  • Address. If the memory operation is a load or a store, this field specifies the memory location it accesses (note: this is not the PC of the instruction, but the address loaded or stored by the micro-op).
  • Sequence Number. This records the "age" of the micro-op. For simplicity, this can be encoded as an integer value as to how many micro-ops have been fetched thus far in the simulation. In reality, this would be encoded in fewer bits, using wrap-around arithmetic when comparing two micro-ops.
  • Issued. Has this instruction been issued?

As you fetch, issue, finish execution, and commit each micro-op, you'll want to track when you do each. These wouldn't always exist in a real design, but we'll use them for various bookkeeping and for generating the debugging trace.

  • FetchCycle. Cycle the micro-op was fetched.
  • IssueCycle. Cycle the micro-op was issued.
  • DoneCycle. Cycle the micro-op completed execution.
  • CommitCycle. Cycle the micro-op committed.

You'll also want to include some information for the debugging traces:

  • MacroOp name. The text string of the macro-op name.
  • MicroOp name. The text string of the micro-op name.

Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm

To prevent an instruction from flowing through the pipeline in a single cycle, we perform the pipeline stages in reverse order.

1. Commit

During commit, we look at the micro-op at the head of the ROB and commit (dequeue) it if it has completed executing. We can commit at most N instructions per cycle:

for (i=0; i<N; i++):
  if (ROB.head().DoneCycle <= CurrentCycle):

When generating the output trace, the micro-op should be printed to the debug output right before it commits.

2. Issue

During issue, we select the N oldest ready instructions to begin execution:

count = 0
foreach microop in ROB (iterating from the oldest to the youngest):
  if (microop.issued == false) and microop.isReady():

    if instruction is a load:
      latency = 2
      latency = 1

    microop.issued = true
    microop.issuedCycle = CurrentCycle
    microop.DoneCycle = CurrentCycle + latency

    foreach destination physical register in microop:
      set scoreboard[physical register] = latency

    count = count + 1
    if (count == N):
      break;            // stop looking for instructions to execute

When is a Micro-op "Ready"

A micro-op is considered ready when all of its source (input) registers are ready (for now, ignore memory dependencies). To track which registers are ready or not, a real processor has a ready table (one bit per physical register) and also ready bits in each entry in the instruction queue, which are updated during instruction wakeup. Although we could model this sort of wakeup operation in the simulator, it is easier to use a register scoreboard that records how many cycles until a register is ready (just as we did for the pipeline simulator, except acting on physical registers rather than architectural registers).

Thus, the second key data structure is the "scoreboard" table. This table has one entry per physical register. Each entry is an integer that indicates how many cycle until the register will be ready. The value of zero indicates the register is ready. A negative value says the instruction that write that physical register is waiting to issue. A positive value indicates the number of cycles until the instruction that writes that register will generate its output value. At the start of the simulation, initialize all physical registers as ready (value of zero).

To determine if a register is ready, your code should just check to see if the entry in the scoreboard is equal to zero. If all the source physical registers are ready, then the instruction is ready to issue:

bool isReady(MicroOp op):
  foreach physical_register in op's source physical registers:
    if physical_register is not ready
      return false

3. Fetch & Rename

At fetch, instruction are renamed and inserted in the ROB:

for (i=0; i<N; i++):
  if ROB.isFull():
    break;    // ROB is full

  1. Read the next micro-op from the trace
  2. Rename the micro-op (as per the above renaming algorithm)
  3. Enqueue the micro-op into the ROB, filling in the fields as appropriate
  4. foreach valid destination physical register
       set the register as "not ready" by setting the correspond scoreboard entry to -1.

4. Advance to the Next Cycle

At the end of each cycle, we need to advance to the next cycle:

CurrentCycle = CurrentCycle + 1
foreach preg in Scoreboard:
  if (Scoreboard[preg]) > 0:
    Scoreboard[preg] = Scoreboard[preg] - 1;    // decrement

Dynamic Scheduling Test Cases

We've made several output debug traces available to help you debug and test your code. The debug output trace looks like:

1: 0 1 2 2, r13 -> p50 [p13] | SET ADD
2: 0 1 2 2, r49 -> p49, r13 -> p51 [p50] | SET ADD_IMM
3: 0 1 4 4, r5 -> p5, r45 -> p52 [p45] | CMP LOAD
4: 0 4 5 5, r45 -> p52, r3 -> p3, r44 -> p53 [p44], r49 -> p54 [p49] | CMP SUB
5: 1 2 5 5, r5 -> p5, r3 -> p55 [p3] | MOV LOAD
6: 1 2 3 5, r0 -> p56 [p0] | SET ADD
7: 1 5 6 6, r49 -> p54, r0 -> p57 [p56] | SET ADD_IMM
8: 1 2 3 6, r12 -> p58 [p12] | XOR ADD
9: 2 6 7 7, r13 -> p51, r0 -> p57, r13 -> p59 [p51], r49 -> p60 [p54] | OR OR
10: 2 3 4 7 | JMP JMP_IMM
11: 4 5 8 8, r3 -> p55, r0 -> p61 [p57] | MOV LOAD
12: 5 8 9 9, r0 -> p61, r0 -> p61, r44 -> p62 [p53], r49 -> p63 [p60] | TEST AND
13: 5 9 10 10, r49 -> p63 | J JMP_IMM
14: 5 8 11 11, r0 -> p61, r7 -> p64 [p7] | MOV LOAD

The first column is the number of the micro-op. The next four columns are the cycle in which the micro-op was: fetched, issued, completed execution, and committed. The remaining columns are the same as the output the rename trace described above.

We've provided multiple debugging outputs for each of the experiments below. To make it easier to debug, we've provided: (1) debug traces with just a few ROB entries and single-issue, and (2) slightly larger ROB and four-way issue, and (3) large ROB with full 8-wide execution. The number of physical registers also varies (but is always sufficient to not stall the pipeline) to test cases in which registers get reused. The names of the traces encode the exact settings of these parameters:

You can download all the traces at: gcc-1K.outputs.tar.gz


The following experiments incrementally refine the simulation to less idealized and explores the impact on performance of those changes.

Experiment #1 - Unrealistic Best-Case ILP

The first experiments explores the amount of instruction level parallelism for various ROB sizes. This result is going to be overly optimistic, as this experiment is going to totally ignore memory dependencies, branch prediction, and cache effects. As noted above, loads are multi-cycle instructions and all other instructions are single-cycle instructions. For these experiments, set N to 8 (the processor can fetch, rename, issue, execute, and commit up to eight micro-ops per cycle).

Vary the size of the ROB from 16 micro-ops to 1024 micro-ops in powers of two (16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024). As we are focusing on the ROB size and not the size of the physical register file, just set the total physical registers to 2048 for all experiments (which is sufficient to avoid any problems with running out of free registers).

Run the simulations for each of these ROB sizes and record the micro-ops (instructions) per cycle (IPC). Plot the data as a line graph with the IPC on the y-axis and the log of the ROB size on the x-axis. In essence, the x-axis is a log scale. Without such a log scale, all the interesting data points are crunched to the far left of the graph and it is basically unreadable. This is basically the same thing we did with the branch predictor sizes and cache sizes, so this is not anything new.


This graph with a single line is the only thing you need to submit for the "first results" submission.

  1. For this experiment, what is the maximum measured IPC?

  2. For this experiment, approximately how many entries (to the nearest power of 2) must the ROB have for the core to achieve an IPC of 3?

Experiment #2 - Modeling Branch Prediction

Perhaps the most unrealistic aspect of the above simulation is that it fails to model imperfect branch prediction. For the next experiment, extend your to mode a gshare branch predictor. To keep things simple, we're using the exact same branch predictor as we used in the last assignment.

In your simulator, perform the branch prediction during fetch/rename. In a real machine, we would only know that the branch was mis-predicted once it executes. However, in our trace-based simulations, we know immediately if the prediction was correct or not. This allows us to simplify the modeling of branch mis-predictions. Instead of actually flushing the pipeline, we can model a branch mis-prediction by stalling fetch until the branch resolves.

If the branch prediction was correct, continue as before. If the branch prediction is incorrect, fetch is suspended (no more instructions are fetched) and mark the branch in the ROB as "mispredicted" (you'll need to add another field to each entry in the ROB). At issue, check to see if the micro-op selected for execution is the mis-predicted branch micro-op. If so, set the "restart fetch counter" based on the execution latency plus the mis-prediction restart penalty. For these simulations, assume a restart penalty of three cycles (this represents the time it takes to redirect fetch and access the instruction cache, but the one-cycle delay between rename and execute is already modeled, thus this is equivalent to the branch restart delay of the in-order pipeline simulator in the previous assignment).

Thus, adjust the fetch bases on the following code:

for (i=0; i<N; i++):
  if (FetchReady > 0):
    FetchReady = FetchReady - 1
    break;   // Waiting for fetch to be redirected after a branch misprediction

  if (FetchReady == -1):
    break;   // Waiting for a mispredicted branch to execute

  assert(FetchReady == 0)

  if ROB.isFull():
    break;    // ROB is full

    Fetch/rename a micro-ops as described above
    if (fetched micro-op is a conditional branch):
      Make branch prediction
      if (fetched micro-op is a mis-predicted branch):
        FetchReady = -1;         // Suspend fetch
        microop.isMisPredictedBranch = true

During micro-op select, if a micro-op is selected to execute, also perform the following actions:

if (microop.isMisPredictedBranch):
  assert(FetchReady == -1)
  FetchReady = latency + restart_penalty;  // The mis-prediction restart penalty


Let me reemphasize that in a real machine, the hardware wouldn't know the branch was mis-predicted, so it would go on to fetch instructions down the "wrong path", inject them into the instruction queue and execute them speculatively. As we are doing this based on a trace, we know immediately that we mis-predicted the branch, thus we can approximate the performance of speculative execution without actually implementing recovery and such. In fact, fetching down wrong paths is actually really difficult to model using traces, as we only have the "correct" trace of instructions. This is a limitation of simple trace-based simulations. In contrast, a simulation that actually simulates the execution of the program can actually model the performance (and energy) impact of executing down the wrong path.

For the same range of ROB sizes as in the previous experiment, run the simulator modified to model the branch prediction. Plot this new set of results as another line on the same graph as the previous experiment.

  1. For this experiment, what is the maximum measured IPC?

  2. For this experiment, approximately how many entries (to the nearest power of 2) must the ROB have for the core to achieve an IPC of 3?

  3. For the largest ROB size, what is the percent slowdown caused by modeling this new constraint (when comparing IPC versus the IPC from the previous experiment)?

  4. How does this slowdown compare with the same impact for the in-order pipeline from the previous assignment? Explain why this impact is different for the out-of-order vs the in-order core (give at least two distinct reasons).

Experiment #3 - Modeling Non-Perfect Fetch

Following the same progression as the previous assignment, the next experiment is to modify the simulator to model non-perfect fetch. Change the simulator so that it cannot fetch past any taken branch. Taken branches includes any instruction that causes fetch to be redirected, including unconditional branches, call, and return instructions. To model not fetching past a taken branch, after executing a branch instruction that is taken, break out of the for loop. This can be a simple if statement with a "break" in it to jump out of the for loop:

for (i=0; i<N; i++):
  if ROB.isFull():
    break;    // ROB is full

  1. ... (as above)
  2. ... (as above)
  3. ... (as above)
  4. ... (as above)

  if micro-op is a taken branch/call/return:
    break;    // Encountered taken branch, stop fetching this cycle

For the same range of ROB sizes as in the previous experiments, run the simulator modified to model non-perfect fetch. Plot this new set of results as another line on the same graph as the previous experiments.

  1. For this experiment, what is the maximum measured IPC?

  2. For this experiment, approximately how many entries (to the nearest power of 2) must the ROB have for the core to achieve an IPC of 3?

  3. For the largest ROB size, what is the percent slowdown caused by modeling this new constraint (when comparing IPC versus the IPC from the previous experiment)?

  4. How does this slowdown compare with the same impact for the in-order pipeline from the previous assignment? Explain why this impact is different for the out-of-order vs the in-order core.

Experiment #4 - Cache Modeling

Again following the same progression as the previous assignment, the next experiment is to modify the simulator to model data caching. Use the same data cache configuration as your previous assignment. As with the previous assignment, the model will ignore stores by assuming a write-through write-non-allocate cache with an unbounded store buffer. Under these assumptions, only load accesses are sent to the cache simulation code.

The only change to the algorithm is determining the latency of load instruction. Previously all loads had a two-cycle latency (one-cycle load-to-use penalty). Now, if a load hits in the cache it has the same latency as before; if it misses in the cache, assign two cycles plus an additional miss latency. Assume miss penalty of 7 cycles (so the total miss latency is 2 + 7 = 9). The new algorithm becomes:

count = 0
foreach microop in ROB (iterating from the oldest to the youngest):
  if (microop.issued == false) and microop.isReady():

    if instruction is a load:
      if (simulate_cache(...) == hit):   // ADDED
        latency = 2
      else:                              // ADDED
        latency = 2 + miss penalty       // ADDED
      latency = 1


For the same range of ROB sizes as in the previous experiments, run the simulator modified to model the cache. Plot this new set of results as another line on the same graph as the previous experiments.

  1. For this experiment, what is the maximum measured IPC?

  2. For this experiment, approximately how many entries (to the nearest power of 2) must the ROB have for the core to achieve an IPC of 3?

  3. For the largest ROB size, what is the percent slowdown caused by modeling this new constraint (when comparing IPC versus the IPC from the previous experiment)?

  4. How does this slowdown compare with the same impact for the in-order pipeline from the previous assignment? Explain why this impact is different for the out-of-order vs the in-order core.

Experiment #5 - Conservative Memory Scheduling

In the above experiments, the simulation ignored memory dependencies completely. For this experiment, implement conservative memory scheduling. That is, in addition to the requirement that all source registers must be ready, a load can issue only when all prior stores have issued:

bool isReady(MicroOp op):
  foreach physical_register in op's source physical registers:
    if physical_register is not ready
      return false
  if op.isLoad:
    foreach op2 in ROB:
      if (op2.isStore) and (op2.SequenceNum < op.SequenceNum) and (op2.isNotDone()):
        return false
  return true

An instruction is "Done" if it has issued (op.issued is true and DoneCycle is <= Current Cycle). Thus, an instruction being "NotDone" is just the negation of "Done".

Based on the above conservative memory scheduling, re-run the simulation for the same ROB sizes as the earlier experiment. Plot the data (IPC vs ROB size) on the new graph labeled as "conservative". On this same graph, also plot the data from the previous experiment labeled as "unrealistic".


Just as the simulator does not model an explicit instruction queue (and thus implicitly models an instruction queue of unbounded size), so too the simulator does not explicitly model finite-capacity store queue and load queue structures. Instead, we'll use the ROB to emulate the effect of such structures.

  1. For this experiment, what is the maximum measured IPC?

  2. For this experiment, approximately how many entries (to the nearest power of 2) must the ROB have for the core to achieve an IPC of 3?

  3. For the largest ROB size, what is the percent slowdown caused by modeling this new constraint (when comparing IPC versus the "unrealistic" memory scheduling IPC)?

Experiment #6 - Perfect Memory Dependence Prediction

None of the above experiments are representative of state-of-the-art memory scheduling. In this experiment, we will use the fact that our trace already has memory addresses in it to implement perfect memory dependence prediction. As shown in the store sets paper, a memory dependence predictor can perform almost as well as a perfect memory dependence predictor, so that is what we are assuming here.

To model this, adjust the "isReady()" computation to include an addresses match:

bool isReady(MicroOp op):
  foreach physical_register in op's source physical registers:
    if physical_register is not ready
      return false
  if op.isLoad:
    foreach op2 in ROB:
      if (op2.isStore) and (op2.SequenceNum < op.SequenceNum) and (op2.isNotDone()):
        if (op.Address == op2.Address):  // ADDED
          return false
  return true

The only addition to the above algorithm is the check that delays a load if and only if the earlier store is to the same address.


We are actually still being a bit optimistic, because an 8-byte load might depend on a mis-aligned 8-byte store. As the addresses of these two memory operations wouldn't match, our simulations wouldn't capture that dependency. In addition, an 8-byte load might get its value from two 4-byte stores. This "partial forwarding" or "multiple forwarding" case is actually really nasty to get right (in simulation and even worse in real hardware), but it can actually happen in some codes, so real processors must handle it. We are ignoring it here.

This model is also being a bit pessimistic, because it waits until all prior stores to the same address have executed, whereas ideally the load needs to wait only for the most recent store to the address to execute.

Run the code with the range of ROB sizes, and plot the data on the same graph as the previous assignment.

  1. For this experiment, what is the maximum measured IPC?

  2. For this experiment, approximately how many entries (to the nearest power of 2) must the ROB have for the core to achieve an IPC of 3?

  3. For the largest ROB size, what is the percent slowdown caused by modeling this new constraint (when comparing IPC versus the "unrealistic" memory scheduling IPC)?

Experiment #7 - In-Order vs Out-of-Order

Just by looking at the IPCs generated by the simulator, it should be apparent that the IPCs are much larger for dynamic scheduling than for the in-order superscalar from the previous assignment. To measure the effect, make one final modification to the simulator to model an in-order processor by disallowing out-of-order execution:

count = 0
foreach microop in ROB (iterating from the oldest to the youngest):
  if (microop.issued == false):
    if microop.isNotReady():   // isNotReady() is the negation of isReady()
      break;  // As we're forcing in-order execution, stop looking

    ... (as before)

For this experiment, instead of changing the size of the ROB, fix the ROB size at 256 and vary the superscalar width of the processor over the range from one to eight (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). This change in width applies to all stages (fetch, execute, commit). On a new chart (IPC on the y-axis, superscalar width on the x-axis) plot two lines: (1) the results of the out-of-order simulation from the previous experiment and (2) the results from the above modification.

  1. For the largest superscalar width, how much faster is the simulation that allows out-of-order execution over the one that restricts execution to be in order. (Give your answer in the form: the out-of-order pipeline is x% faster than the pipeline modified to enforce in-order execution.)

  2. What is the percent speedup from going from 2-wide to 8-wide for the out-of-order core?

  3. What is the percent speedup from going from 2-wide to 8-wide for the in-order core?

  4. What do the above two speedup say about the interaction between superscalar and out-of-order execution?

  5. Finally, compare these results for the in-order simulation to the results for the in-order pipeline from the previous assignment. Although the same branch predictor, branch restart penalty, non-perfect fetch, and cache is used, the IPC is higher then reported in the previous assignment. Why? What is different about the in-order model based on this assignment's simulator versus the previous one?

What to Turn In

For the "first results" part of the assignment:

For the final writeup:
