
Faculty Position

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University of Sussex

School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences


Applications are invited for a Lectureship in the Computer
Science & A.I. group.
The person appointed would ideally take up the post from 1 January 1997;
a later start may be possible by negotiation.

Candidates should be able to show evidence of serious research achievement
in Foundations of Computation, preferably in an area close to the
research interests of Professor Hennessy and Dr Jeffrey, and should be
willing to teach in areas other than their research speciality.

The post can be discussed informally with Professor Hennessy,
matthewh@cogs.susx.ac.uk, tel. 01273 678101.

The appointment will be made on the Lecturer A scale,
for which salaries run from #15,154 to #19,848 p.a.

Application forms and further particulars of this post are available

Sandra Jenks
Staffing Services Office
Sussex House
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RH

tel: (0)1273 606755x3768
email: s.jenks@sussex.ac.uk

Applications including CV and names of at least two referees should be
sent to that address to arrive not later than 20 September 1996.