
New linear logic bibliography

I would like to bring to your attention a new bibliography on linear
logic. This bibliography stems from a seminar on "linear logic and
applications" held this semester at Carnegie Mellon University and
supervised by Frank Pfenning, Carsten Schuermann and myself.

	We believe it is a valuable contribution since
- it subsumes all other bibliographies on linear logic we are aware of;
- it is up-to-date, within the limitations of our knowledge;
- it is available in a number of formats, and in particular in HTML,
  providing in this way direct access to the papers WWW-available by
  means of URL hyperlinks.

	We plan to maintain this bibliography and enhance its interface
in the future.

	It is available on WWW as
as well as from the linear logic WWW page maintained by Pat Lincoln

	We are aware of the incompleteness of this bibliography. We
suspect it to contain currently numerous imprecisions and even errors.
Therefore, we would appreciate very much any corrections, suggestions,
comments, additional references, etc.   Feel free to contact me.

	Sincerely yours,

		Iliano Cervesato (iliano@cs.cmu.edu).