
The Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation

[Since it is clearly relevant, I am distributing this conference
announcement to types.  -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]

First Call For Papers

The Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation

Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
October 19-22, 1995
Host institution: Tbilisi State University
Dedicated to Solomon Dodashvili
In order to foster communication between researchers in the Republic of
Georgia and the international research community, the Georgian Centre for
Language and Speech, based at the Tbilisi State University, will host an
international symposium on language, logic and computation in 19-22, October
1995. The Tbilisi Symposium is anticipated to be the first of a regular


The Tbilisi Symposium will welcome papers on current research in all aspects
of language, logic and computation, including but not limited to:

* natural language semantics/pragmatics 
* dynamic and modal logic
* quantified extensions of modal systems and intermediate logics:
  semantical and computational aspects
* information oriented logical frameworks: domain
  theory, linear logic, situation theory
* natural language parsing and generation
* machine translation and translation aids
* statistics and language processing
* automated deduction and logic programming
* lambda and combinatory calculi
* process algebra
* category theory in computer science


R. Cooper (Edinburgh)        
P. Gardenfors (Lund)       
A. Joshi (Philadelphia)
H. Ono (Ishikawa)
A. Preller (Montpelier)
H. Uszkoreit (Saarbruecken)
R. Wojcicki (Warszawa)     


J. van Benthem (Amsterdam) 
J. Bergstra (Amsterdam)    
P.L. Curien (Paris) 
G. Erbach (Saarbruecken)
L. Esakia (Tbilisi)
T. Fernando (Stuttgart)
H. Ganzinger (Saarbruecken)
J. Ginzburg (Edinburgh)
D. de Jongh (Amsterdam)
E. Klein  (Edinburgh)
Z. Khasidashvili (Norwich) (Co-chair)
E. Khmaladze (Tbilisi)
J.-J. Levy (Rocquencourt)  (Co-chair)
A. Mikheev (Edinburgh)
S. Peters (Stanford)
K. Segerberg (Stockholm)
E. Vallduvi (Edinburgh)   


The papers will be refereed and a selection will appear as a book published by
the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford.


Papers not exceeding 10-pages should be submitted electronically or, if
electronic submission is problematic, in hard copy. Electronic submissions
should be in plain text, latex, or ready-to-print postscript.  Papers
submitted by postal mail should be accompanied by 3 additional copies. No fax

Papers should be accompanied by a two-page abstract. The abstract should also
include the full postal and e-mail address and fax/phone of the author (or a
designated contact author in case of joint papers), as well as a specification
of the topic area. These abstracts will be collated together and will be made
available to all symposium participants.

Papers should be submitted to:

The Tbilisi Symposium                        E-mail: tbilisi@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Human Communication Research Centre          Phone:  +44 131 650 4667
University of Edinburgh                      Fax:    +44 131 650 4587
2 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh, EH8 9LW
Scotland, UK


Authors must submit their 10-page papers by 31 May 1995.  Notification of
receipt will be mailed to the (contact) author.  Authors will be notified of
acceptance by 15 July 1995. The deadline for submission of final versions of
the presented papers will be 31 October 1995. Papers will undergo review and
a selection will be published in the proceedings. We expect the proceedings to
appear in the first half of 1996. Final submission details will be sent along
with the symposium materials.


J. Ginzburg (Co-Chair)                 E. Vallduvi (Co-Chair)
Human Communication Research Centre    Centre for Cognitive Science
University of Edinburgh                University of Edinburgh
2 Buccleuch Place                      2 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW                      Edinburgh EH8 9LW
Scotland                               Scotland
ginzburg@cogsci.ed.ac.uk               enric@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Phone: +44-131-650-4627                Phone: +44-131-650-4451
Fax:   +44-131-650-4587                Fax:   +44-131-650-4587

Z. Khasidashvili (Programme Co-Chair)  J.-J. Levy (Programme Co-chair) 
School of Information Systems          INRIA Rocquencourt,
University of East Anglia              Domaine de Voluceau,
Norwich NR4 7TJ                        B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesney Cedex
England                                France
zurab@sys.uea.ac.uk                    Jean-Jacques.Levy@inria.fr
Phone: +44-1603-592607                 Phone: +33 1 39 63 56 44
Fax:   +44-1603-593344                 Fax:   +33 1 39 63 55 11.


Chair:       T. Khurodze (Vice-rector, TSU)             
Vicechair:   N. Chanishvili (Dept. of Modern Georgian, TSU);
Secretaries: R. Asatiani (Inst. of Oriental Studies, GAS);
             T. Sukhiashvili (Inst. of Cybern., GAS).

Georgian Academy of Sciences:
             M. Abashidze, R. Grigolia (Inst. of Cybern.);
             G. Tagviashvili (Inst. of Computational Math.);
             G. Chikoidze (Inst. of Control Systems);
             N. Amiridze (Inst. of Oriental Studies);
             T. Uturgaidze (Inst. of Linguistics);
             M. Bejanishvili (Inst. of Philosophy);
Tbilisi State University:
             J. Antidze, T. Kutsia (Inst. of Applied Math.);
             L. Mchedlishvili, N. Ivanidze (Dept. of Logics);
             L. Chkhaidze (Inst. Comp. Science and Telecommunication);


The Republic of Georgia offers many singular attractions. Tbilisi is a
beautiful urban centre of Georgia, which is rich in architectural, historical,
and natural attractions. Tbilisi is easily accessible by plane from many major
European cities (e.g. several flights per week from Frankfurt, Istanbul,
Koeln, Paris, Prague, Thessaloniki, Vienna). There are also direct flights to
Tbilisi from Tel Aviv and Cairo.


Solomon Dodashvili was a Professor at St. Petersburg University. He is the
author of a well-known tutorial book of logic, published by St. Petersburg
University in 1827. In 1995 Georgia will celebrate the 190th anniversary of his
birth. An excursion will be organised to the Kakheti region, where Dodashvili 
was born.


This announcement (ascii, dvi and postcript formats) is available via
anonymous FTP from ftp.cogsci.ed.ac.uk in directory pub/tbilisi. Information
about flight schedules to Tbilisi is also available. For further information
contact the Edinburgh address above. Information on registration and
accommodation will appear in future announcements.