
workshop: "Is Mathematical Logic alive?

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 92 14:15:35 GMT+0100


			 Ecole Normale Superieure
	     Departement de Mathematiques et Informatique  et
			  Section de Philosophie

		      "Is Mathematical Logic alive?
		La seconde vie de la Logique Mathematique"
			    April 6 - 7, 1992,
			     Salle Celan, ENS
			45 Rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris

Monday, April 6

9.30 Jean-Yves Girard (CNRS and Paris VII)
"La theorie de la demonstration : des fondements a l'algorithmique/

Proof Theory: from foundation to algorithms"

11.00 Per Martin-Lof (Stockolm Univ.)
"On the relation between Logic and the Theory of Knowledge"

12.30 Lunch

14.30 Solomon Feferman (Stanford Univ.)
"From problem-driven logic to use-driven logic."

15.45 Cafe'

16.15 Jean-Louis Krivine (Univ. Paris VII)
"La mathematique des programmes et le programme des mathematiques"

Tuesday, April 7
9.30 Panel discussion:
"De la Logique Mathematique aux problemes de la connaissance /

>From Mathematical Logic to the problem of knowledge"

G. Longo, chairman (CNRS and ENS), V. Danos (CNRS and Paris VII), C.
Imbert (Sect. de Philosophie, ENS), P. de Rouilhan (CNRS,
Philosophie, et IHST), M. Sabbagh, (Paris VII), G. Sambin (Univ. de
Padova) and the invited speakers above.

M. Broue' (Dept. Math. et Info, ENS, directeur), C. Imbert (Dept. de
Philosophie, ENS),

G. Longo (CNRS and ENS; e-mail: longo at dmi.ens.fr
tel. (NOTE  Longo's NEW DIRECT TEL): ++39 - 1 - 4432-3328).

Attendance is free.

A list of hotels may be request to Longo, but reservations should be
made directly by the partecipants.