Fall 2003
Course Schedule
Norman Badler
Teaching Assistant: Durell Bouchard

(Readings in book = W:chapter #)

Last Update: September 22, 2003

Tentative schedule.

Sep. 3 Introduction to Computer Graphics. Motivation. Applications. Literature. History. SIGGRAPH. Course organization. Basic terminology. Virtual environments and virtual reality. Raster graphics, color. W: Preface

Sep. 8 2D and 3D geometry and transformations. Homogeneous coordinates, transform concatenation.W:1

Sep. 10 Hierarchies, scene graph, viewports, line clipping, windows, world coordinates, 2-D viewing transform. W:5

Sep. 15 {Bouchard} Java3D.

Sep. 17 {Bouchard} Java3D.

Sep. 22 Rasterization of lines, other shapes, and polygons. Geometric algorithms. Graphics software and device independence. Display lists and picking.

Sep. 24 Projections, perspective.

Sep. 29 3D view volumes and viewing transformation. 3D depth cues.

Oct. 1 3D object representations and operations. W:2,3

Oct. 6 Surface and volume representations.

Oct. 8 Surface and volume representations.

Oct. 13 FALL BREAK -- no class

Oct. 15 Visible line and surface algorithms. Object space and image space algorithms: Roberts, Appel, z-buffer, Warnock, Watkins, painter's, and Atherton/Weiler algorithms. W:4,6

Oct. 20 Binary space partitioning. Object algebras and ray casting. Shading models.

Oct. 22 Flat, Gouraud, and Phong shading. W:7

Oct. 27 Midterm Exam -- Open book, open notes. [NOTE CHANGE OF EXAM FROM ORIGINAL 10/22 DATE]

Oct. 29 Ray-tracing. Reflection and refraction.W:12

Nov. 3 Transparency, shadows. Texture, bump, displacement mapping. W:8,9

Nov. 5 Radiosity methods. Progressive refinement. W:10,11,18

Nov. 10 Photon mapping.

Nov. 12 Animation techniques: cels, keyframes, kinematics, inverse kinematics, dynamics, constraints, animation by simulation. Motion capture.. W:17

Nov. 17 (Guest Speaker??)

Nov. 19 Collision detection, physics-based modeling, real-time animation, finite state machines, AI, learning.

Nov. 24 Characters, humans. Penn animation research.

Nov. 26 Animation examples. (15 years of SIGGRAPH Video Review)

Dec. 1 Anti-aliasing, motion blur, stochastic sampling, distribution ray-tracing. W:14

Dec. 3 Alpha-plane, image compositing.
++++> VIDEO SHOW, Heilmeier Hall, Towne Building (6:00-8:00 pm)

Dec. 8 Current research topics. Futures.

Final Exam: Friday, December 19, 11am - 1pm
Open Book and Open Notes