How do we physically implement computations?
Broadly, my research interests address this question, including
physical substrates (VLSI, molecular, ...), programmable media
(FPGAs, (multi-) processors, ...), mapping (compilation and CAD),
system abstractions and dynamic management
(run-time systems, OS, scheduling),
and problem capture (programming languages).
Recent Selection
- REFINE: Runtime Execution Feedback for INcremental Evolution on FPGA Designs
- Asymmetry
in Butterfly Fat Tree FPGA NoC in FPT, December 2023.
- ExHiPR:
Extended High-level Partial Reconfiguration for Fast Incremental FPGA
Compilation> in ACM TRETS.
- Fast and Flexible FPGA Development using
Hierarchical Partial Reconfiguration, in FPT, December 2022.
- PLD: Fast FPGA Compilation to Make Reconfigurable Acceleration
Compatible with Modern Incremental Refinement Software Development in ASPLOS, March 2022.
- SCALPEL: Exploring
the Limits of Tag-enforced Compartmentalization in ACM JETC, January
- Preventing Dynamic Library Compromise on Node.js via RWX-Based
Privilege Reduction in ACM CCS, November 2021.
- Automated
Least-Privilege Analysis (μSCOPE: A Methodology for Analyzing Least-Privilege Compartmentalization in Large Software Artifacts) in RAID, October 2021.
- XBERT: Xilinx Logical-Level Bitstream Embedded RAM Transfusion in FCCM, May 2021.
- Flightplan:
Dataplane Disaggregation and Placement for P4 Programs in
NSDI, April 2021.
- Fast
Linking of Separately-Compiled FPGA Blocks without a NoC in ICFPT, December 2020.
- DeepMatch: Practical Deep Packet Inspection in the Data Plane using Network
Processors in CoNEXT, December 2020.
Reducing FPGA Compile Time with Separate Compilation for FPGA Building
Blocks in ICFPT, December 2019.
Pipelined Parallel Finite Automata Evaluation in ICFPT, December 2019.
- Self-Adaptive
Timing Repair in IEEE Design and Test, November/December 2017.
- The
Workshop, July 2016.
- Accurate Parallel Floating-Point Accumulation
in IEEE Transactions on Computers, November 2016.
a Metadata-extended RISC-V
Workshop, January 2016.
- Fundamental
Underpinnings of Reconfigurable Computing Architectures in Proc. of the IEEE Special Issue on Reconfigurable Sysems,
March 2015.
- Reconfigurable Computing Architectures in Proc. of the IEEE Special Issue on Reconfigurable Sysems,
March 2015.
- Architectural
Support for Software-Defined Metadata Processing in ASPLOS, March 2015.
- Reconfigurable Computing: The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computation, edited book from Elsevier (available from
- For more complete and earlier publications, see longer list.
- ESE 5320:
System-on-a-Chip Architecture (Penn, Spring and Fall 2017, Fall 2018,
Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, 2023)
- ESE 1500: Digital Audio
Basics (Penn, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021,
Spring 2022, Spring 2023)
- ESE3700: Circuit-Level
Modeling, Design, and Optimization for Digital Systems, (Penn, Fall
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)
- ESE534: Computer
Organization, (Penn, Spring 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016)
- ESE250: Digital Audio Basics, (Penn, Fall 2009, Spring 2013) [evolved to ESE1500 above]
- ESE535: Electronic Design
Automation (Penn, Spring 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015)
- see longer list for earlier courses
Academic History
André DeHon <>
Electrical and Systems Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
200 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104