Real-Time Systems Group

The University of Pennsylvania

PARAGON: A Tool for Visual Specification and Verification of Real-Time Systems

PARAGON is the following acronym: Process-Algebraic Analysis of Real-time Applications with Graphics- Oriented Notation

PARAGON provides a visual design environment for distributed real-time systems. The toolset contains:

  1. A graphical editor for the GCSR specification language.
  2. A visual simulator for GCSR specifications (under construction).
  3. XVERSA, a graphical user interface to VERSA, a verification tool for ACSR specifications.
  4. Translators between GCSR and ACSR.

The GCSR language consists of a set of primitives that allow one to capture in an intuivite way both behavioral and structural aspects of a design.

PARAGON is implemented in C++ and X/Motif, with the help of Lex and Yacc compiler construction tools and the LEDA class library to enhance portability. All major components: editor, simulator and the analysis toolkit are implemented as separate UNIX processes and can be used as stand-alone tools. The use of a low-level programming language and the most current algorithms state machine construction and bisimulation testing has resulted in performance that compares very favorably with existing process algebra analysis toolkits.

PARAGON Extensions

Several formalisms and analysis tools are not part of PARAGON, but are designed to interoperate with paragon tools, or use compatible languages and share "look-and-feel." These tools and formalisms include

Obtaining PARAGON

PARAGON is not yet available for public release. The code is maintained and supported by Real-Time Systems Group at Penn. Those interested in obtaining a free version of the toolset should contact Insup Lee or Oleg Sokolsky.



Further Information 7/08/96