CIS 110 Spring 2013 - Introduction to Computer Programming | directories | van pelt library | CETS | engineering library
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CETS Answers

Recitation 1 Exercise


The goal of recitation exercises is to help you prepare for the topics we will cover in recitation and come ready with questions. You should plan on spending about 30 minutes on recitation exercises before your recitation or the day before.

Recitation exercises are credit/no credit: they do not need to be correct. However you must show your TAs at the beginning of recitation that you have worked on the exercises and thought about them, even if you have not completely solved them.


Write a program called CISweek that takes in a day of the week as an integer between 1 and 7 (1: Sunday, 2: Monday....) and prints out whether or not there is 110 lecture, recitation, and/or office hours that day. For example,

% java CISweek 4

lecture recitation office hours

% java CISweek 6


% java CISweek 7
