CIS 110 Spring 2013 - Introduction to Computer Programming | directories | van pelt library | CETS | engineering library
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CETS Answers

Homework 0: Hello, World


The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to programming in Java and familiarize you with the mechanics of preparing and submitting assignments. The specific goals are to:
  • Familiarize yourself with the course web site and booksite;
  • Set up and use DrJava for editing, compiling, and executing programs;
  • Edit, compile, and execute a Java program;
  • Learn your way around our electronic submission system.

Part I: Registering for Piazza

The class discussion board is hosted on Piazza. In addition to being an important forum for discussing material, we make all course announcements through piazza.
  • Read the instructions for using piazza. They are complicated because posting code to piazza is a bit of a pain, but it works well once you learn the system. Don't worry if you don't understand everything yet. You can always find these instructions by clicking the Piazza link in the sidebar, and they will make more sense as the semester progresses.
  • Click the link at the bottom of the piazza directions to sign up for the class message board.

Part II: Getting Started

This part of the homework will walk you through setting up the necessary software on your computer, and making sure that it works. The purpose of this step is to set up your computer for developing Java programs. The software you need is all freely available, and the booksite provides a handy installer to set it up for you. It is also installed on the Moore computer labs, but you will need to configure certain aspects of the software yourself.
  • Using the booksite's installer The booksite provides installation programs for both Windows, and Mac that install the Java compiler, DrJava editor, and several additional tools that you will need throughout the semester. Click the appropriate link above for your computer, and follow the directions to run the installer and write a test program. The installer also configures java so it can access the booksite's standard library, which you will need for later homeworks. You must run this installer even if you already have a Java environment on your computer.
  • A note on path names In the installation directions, you will see references to a folder named "username". Replace this with the account name you log onto your computer with. If you log in to your computer as "bjbrown", you should substitute this for "username" everywhere that it appears. More concretely, "C:\Users\username\introcs" (Windows) and "/Users/username/introcs" (Mac) refer to a folder named "introcs" inside your home directory. The installer creates this folder automatically.
  • Installation on Linux If you run Linux, follow these instructions to install DrJava and checkstyle. You will need to configure them manually. Make sure to run the to set up your CLASSPATH.
  • Using the Moore Computer Labs The Java compiler and DrJava editor are installed in the Moore computer labs (Moore 100 and Moore 207).
    • You must have a SEAS account to use these computers. Engineering students should already have a SEAS account. All other students can request an account here. As per SEAS policy, SEAS accounts are available only to registered students (including P/F), but not to auditors.
    • On the Windows machines, you will find DrJava in the CIS110 course-specific folder in the start menu.
    • On the Linux machines, you can run DrJava by opening a terminal and typing the command "drjava".
    • Configuring DrJava. The lab machines do not reliably save DrJava configuration settings, and you may need to configure it properly every time you run it. First, open the Preferences dialog in the Edit menu.
      • In the Display Options category, make sure Show All Line Numbers and Display Right Margin are checked. Set Right Margin Position to 80.
      • In the Miscellaneous category, set the Indent Level to 4.
    • Later homeworks will make use of libraries provided by the booksite, such as StdIn and StdDraw. On those homeworks, you will need to download the library files into your homework directory if you work on the lab machines, because they are not configured to find them automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I use the booksite instead of the textbook? No, the booksite is a super-condensed version of the textbook; it is suitable for reference while online (for example, while programming), and is a great source of exercises. The textbook is intended for use when initially learning new material and when reinforcing your understanding of that material (for example, when reviewing for an exam).
  • What preparation do I need to complete this homework? Read Section 1.1 and 1.2 of the textbook. If you don't understand something, post to Piazza or visit your TA for assistance. Don't be bashful about asking for help.
  • How can I download a program from the textbook? The corresponding section in the booksite contains links to all of the Java programs in the textbook. The link goes to a .java.html file (such as that is suitable for display in a browser. You can cut-and-paste the code into DrJava as needed. The .java.html file also contains a link to the .java file (such as; you can right click this link and save the file to your computer.
  • I don't understand all of the jargon in Should I drop the course? Don't worry—we'll explain this in the first weeks of the course. Do the readings and bring any lingering questions to recitation.
  • Do I have to use DrJava? No, you may use any editor you like. However, we do not have the resources help you set up and use a different editor. DrJava is specifically designed as a very simple Java editor geared to academic use. It lacks the project management features of more powerful environments like Eclipse, but also avoids their complexity.

Part III: Hello, World

This part of the homework walks you through completing your first program. Traditionally, the first program anyone writes in a new language just prints, "Hello, World."
  • You should have created a file and compiled it as part of setting up your environment in Part II. If you haven't done so, refer to the directions in either the Windows or Mac installer page.
  • Add a file header comment to that documents the author, date, program purpose, and brief instructions for use. Every project and company has its own guidelines for creating file headers; we follow the booksite's format, but require you to add your Name, PennKey, and Recitation at the top. Every .java file you submit must have a complete file header. Here is an example header that you can adapt for as well as all future programs:
     *  Name:       Benedict Brown
     *  PennKey:    bjbrown
     *  Recitation: 200
     *  Compilation:  javac
     *  Execution:    java HelloWorld
     *  Prints "Hello, World". By tradition, this is everyone's first program.
     *  % java HelloWorld
     *  Hello, World

Part IV: More Programs

In addition to HelloWorld, you must write two additional programs.
    • Read Section 1.1 of the textbook.
    • Modify to make a program that takes five names as command-line arguments and prints out a proper sentence with the names in the reverse of the order given. For example, the command,
      % java HiFive Jackie Tito Jermaine Marlon Michael
      might print
      Michael, Marlon, Jermaine, Tito, and Jackie formed the original Jackson 5.
      in which case the command,
      % java HiFive Madam in Eden Im Adam
      would print
      Adam, Im, Eden, in, and Madam formed the original Jackson 5.
    • You program may print out any sentence you like. Have fun!

    • You may assume your program will always be run with exactly five arguments. You do not need to perform any error checking.
    • Your program must read input using command-line arguments, just like Command-line arguments are described in Section 1.2 of the textbook.
    • You must include a file header, but you do not need to include any other comments in your program.

    • Read Section 1.2 through page 22 of Intro to Programming.
    • Write a program that reads three integers from the command line, assigns them to three variables, then outputs all three numbers and their sum. For example, the command,
      % java SumThree 2 5 8
      should output
      2 + 5 + 8 = 15
    • You output must match the example exactly, including the spaces around the "+" and "=" signs. Common sense does not apply to computers, so it is essential to slavishly follow every detail of specifications. Otherwise bad things can happen.
    • You may assume your program will always be run with exactly three, integer arguments. You do not need to perform any error checking.
    • You must include a file header, but you do not need to include any other comments in your program.

  • Style
    • Programming languages are less forgiving than human languages of typos and small errors, but there are still many ways to correctly format the same program. Some are more readable than others.
    • Read the Coding Style guidelines. Make sure to follow the link to the booksite's style guide.
    • Don't worry about the guidelines for topics we haven't covered yet. Focus on indentation, variable names, and spacing.
    • It takes practice to develop good coding style, so we will give style feedback on your homeworks. We will also get progressively stricter on deducting points for poor style.
    • You will almost certainly receive deductions for style as well as logic errors throughout the semester. That's normal, especially since you can't test for style errors the way you can test for logic errors.

Part V: Write-Up

With each homework we provide a template readme file that you must download, complete, and submit. We will generally ask you to provide a brief write-up of decisions you made in the homework that are not part of the standard file headers, a few related questions, and ask for you feedback. Filling in the readme is usually quick, but it is important and worth a substantial number of points.
  • Always edit readme files in DrJava! Do not use TextEdit, Notepad, or Word. All three of these programs save the file in formats that we are unable to read.
  • To open a readme file in DrJava, first save it to your computer. Click "Open" in DrJava and select "All Files" for the file format in the Open dialog box. You will then be able to navigate to the folder where you saved the readme file and open it.
  • Download readme_hello.txt, open it in DrJava, and answer all the questions.

Part VI: Submit

  • Click "Submission and Scores" in the course sidebar.
  • Log in with your PennKey.
  • Select task hw00 and click the submit button.
  • Upload,,, and readme_hello.txt using the provided form.
  • Click "Submit" to submit your homework. Save the submission receipt as your proof of submission.
  • Your file names should match the required exactly, file names including capitalization. Java is extremely picky about file names and capitalization; if your file name doesn't match what we expect, your program will probably fail our automated tests. It may also be a sign that you submitted the wrong file (e.g. HelloWorld.class instead of You can always re-submit to correct such errors.
  • The confirmation page shows you the recorded submission time, which files have just been uploaded, which were previously uploaded, and which have not yet been submitted.
  • Read the Test Output section carefully. We show you the results of a variety of automatic tests on every homework. Each homework will describe the tests it runs. Usually, we will show you the output of compiling your program on our servers (if you program compiles correctly, there will be no warning or error messages), a few simple tests, and the results of checkstyle.
  • The tests we run on your submission are not complete, and do not guarantee your program works perfectly. On some homework, we only show you the result of compiling on our servers
  • checkstyle automatically checks your program for conformance to many aspects of our coding style guidelines. It is not exhaustive. See the "Coding Style" section of the policies for more information.
  • All homework must be submitted through the submissions system. We cannot accept e-mailed submissions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
  • What if my assignment is late? If you have late days left, you can submit normally up to 48 hours after the deadline. The system will automatically deduct the appropriate number of late days.
  • I'm trying to submit on Saturday at 9:15pm. I can't find the submission link. The link goes away when you can no longer receive credit. Normally this is the lesser of 48 hours or your remaining late days after the deadline. Submit what you have before the deadline and resubmit if you are able to finish more in time.
  • My submission is on time, but I still can't see the link or submission system isn't working. In this case only, e-mail your code to your TAs. Post a question to piazza with your problem and a screenshot of the error if possible. If there's a bug in our submissions system, the error you see will likely help us find and fix it. Unless the screenshot/error reveals your code or personal information that you don't wish to share, make the post public. We will look into the problem as quickly as possible and get back to you. We will usually ask you to resubmit once the problem is resolved, and will grant you an extension if necessary so the new submission is not counted as late.