
[ANN] HLCL'98 - Accepted Papers


                    3rd International Workshop on
                   Nice, France, September 12, 1998

              -----> http://www.cs.auc.dk/hlcl98/ <-----

                       Held in conjunction with 
                  CONCUR'98, COTIC'98, and EXPRESS'98
                     Sponsored by ERCIM and BRICS

==================== ACCEPTED PAPERS ================================ 

Compiling Join-Patterns
	Fabrice Le Fessant, Luc Maranget

Resource Access Control in Systems of Mobile Agents
	Matthew Hennessy, James Riely

A Generalized Deadlock-Free Process Calculus
	Eijiro Sumii, Naoki Kobayashi

A Concurrent Object Calculus: Reduction and Typing
	Andrew D. Gordon, Paul D. Hankin

LambdaS: an implicitly parallel lambda-calculus with letrec, 
synchronization and side-effects
	Arvind, J-W. Maessen, R.S. Nikhil, J.E. Stoy

Distribution and Mobility with Lexical Scoping in Process Calculi
	Vasco T.\ Vasconcelos, Lu\'{\i}s Lopes, Fernando Silva

==================== PUBLICATION ==================================== 

Proceedings will probably be published 
jointly with EXPRESS'98 and COTIC'98 as a volume in 
"Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science" 
under the auspices of Elsevier Science Publishers.

=========================== SCOPE ===================================

This workshop, a continuation of two successful previous meetings, is
intended to bring together active researchers involved in the design,
development, foundations, and applications of high-level concurrent
programming languages and models.

Programming models should be simple, practical, high-level, and well
founded.  These qualities allow rigorous language specifications and
support both formal and informal reasoning about programs.  For
concurrent and distributed systems, research on programming models has
driven the design of several recent programming languages including
Erlang, versions of ML, like CML, Facile, and Haskell, as well as
languages explicitly designed for concurrency or distribution such as
Obliq, Oz, Pict, and the join-calculus language.  Although the
motivations behind the design of these languages are diverse (ranging
from the development of graphical user interfaces and multi-agent
systems to constraint, real-time, and distributed programming),
suitable foundations have turned out to be quite similar in style and
technique, often based on variants of well-known calculi for mobile


               Uwe Nestmann, BRICS, Aalborg, DK 
            Benjamin Pierce, Indiana University, US

              Gerard Boudol, INRIA, FR
              Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research, UK
              Andrew Gordon, Microsoft Research, UK
          Jean-Jacques Levy, INRIA, FR
               Uwe Nestmann, BRICS, Aalborg, DK 
             Martin Odersky, University of South Australia, AU
            Benjamin Pierce, Indiana University, US
                 John Reppy, Bell Labs, US
           Akinori Yonezawa, University of Tokyo, JP

          Silvano Dal-Zilio, INRIA, FR

             James E. White, General Magic, US
             [principal architect of TeleScript]
