
LACL call for participation

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

Dear Colleague,

It is time to register if you are interested in attending
"Logical Ascpects of Computational Linguistics" 23-25 September, Nancy.
--- http:www.loria.fr/~retore/LACL.html ---
With respect to the previous announcement,
we have to correct a mistake:
for the registration fees,
we are not able to charge your credit card
unless you are here:
so you have to bring your card here, where it will be charged.
The 800F registration fees cover
* the collection volume of the 4 pages abstracts,
* the three lunches,
* the breaks (cofee, tea, cakes),
* the conference dinner on Tuesday 24.

The revised announcement is available from 

Inquiry: calligramme@loria.fr
or tel  C. Retore +33 83 59 20 17