
8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (short announcement)

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

Although not explicitly mentioned in the list of typical topics, the
programming theory notion encompasses the topics covered by the ``types''
list, and in previous years many ``types'' related topics have been
presented at the NWPT meetings.



              First Announcement and Call for Participation

                 8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory
                    Oslo, Norway, 4-6 December 1996

The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers from the
Nordic and Baltic countries interested in programming theory, in order to
improve mutual contacts and cooperation.  Typical topics of the workshop
include (but are not limited to):

  -  Semantics of programs
  -  Programming logics
  -  Program verification
  -  Formal specification of programs
  -  Program synthesis
  -  Program transformation and program refinement
  -  Modeling of concurrency
  -  Programming methods
  -  Tools for program construction and verification

REGISTRATION: More information and registration form
is available on the Web, under http://www.ifi.uio.no/~nwpt96/
N.B. As attendance at the workshop is limited to 60 participants,
Please register as soon as possible, and by 28 OCTOBER at the latest. 

SUBMISSION: If you wish to give a presentation, please enclose a
one-page abstract of the talk.