
Complete Programme of META94 - LOPSTR 94 - Compunet Area Meeting

Please find enclosed the programme of the META 94 and LOPSTR 94 workshops
(June 20-21, 1994) and of the Compunet Program Development Area Meeting
(June 22), and the registration and accommodation forms.
We apologize if you receive this more than once.

 |                                                   |
 |                     META 94                       |
 |         Fourth International Workshop on          |
 |           Meta Programming in Logic               |
 |                                                   |
 |                      and                          |
 |                                                   |
 |                   LOPSTR 94                       |
 |         Fourth Workshop on Logic Program          |
 |            Synthesis and Transformation           |
 |                                                   |
 |                  June 20-21                       |
 |                                                   |
 |                                                   |
 |     COMPUNET Program Development Area Meeting     |
 |                                                   |
 |                   June 22                         |
 |                                                   |
 |                                                   |
 |              Palazzo dei Congressi                |
 |                 via Matteotti, 1                  |
 |                  PISA, Italy                      |
 |                                                   |


                MONDAY, JUNE 20

META & LOPSTR - Joint Session
9:00 - 9:30      Opening

9:30 - 10:30     Invited talk
         G. Levi, Universita' di Pisa
         "Abstract Debugging"

10:30 - 11:00    Coffee break

LOPSTR - Session 1
11:00 - 11:30
         J. Cook and J.P. Gallagher (University of Bristol),
         "A transformation system for definite programs based on
         termination analysis".

11:30 - 12:00
         N. Bensaou and I. Guessarian (LITP, Paris),
         "Transforming constraint logic programs".

12:00 - 12:30
         C. Solnon and M. Rueher(I3S, Sophia Antipolis),
         "Propagation of inter-argument dependencies in tuple-distributive
         type inference  systems".

12:30 - 13:00
         D. Boulanger and M. Bruynooghe (K.U. Leuven),
         "Using call/exit analysis for logic program transformation".

META - Session 1
11:00 - 11:40
         F. Van Harmelen (University of Amsterdam),
         "A Model of Costs and Benefits of Meta-Level Computation".

11:40 - 12:20
         J. Barklund, K. Boberg, P. Dell'Acqua (Uppsala University),
         "A Basis for a Multi-Level Meta-Logic Programming Language".

12:20 - 13:00
         M. Mircheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences),
         "Logic Programs with Tests".

13:00 - 14:30      Lunch

META & LOPSTR - Joint Session
14:30 - 15:10
         B. Dunin Keplicz (University of Warsaw),
         "An Architecture with Multiple Meta-Levels for the
          Development of Correct Programs".

15:10 - 15:50
         A. Bossi, S. Etalle (Universita' di Padova, CWI Amsterdam),
         "More on Unfold/Fold Transformations of Normal Programs:
          Preservation of Fitting's Semantics".

15:50 - 16:20      Coffee break

16:20 - 16:50
         D. Gilbert, C. Hogger and J. Zlatuska (City University of London,
         Imperial College and Masaryk University, Brno),
         "Transforming specifications of observable behaviour into programs".

16:50 - 17:20
         K.-K. Lau and M. Ornaghi (University of Manchester and
         Universita' degli Studi di Milano),
         "On Specification Frameworks and Deductive Synthesis
         of Logic Programs".

17:20 - 17:50
         F. Esposito, D. Malerba, G. Semeraro, C. Brunk and M. Pazzani
         (Universita' degli Studi di Bari and University of California),
         "Avoiding non-termination when learning logical programs:
          A case study with FOIL and FOCL".

17:50 - 18:20
         P. Flener and L. Popelinsky (Bilkent University, Ankara
         and Masaryk University, Brno),
         "On the use of inductive reasoning in program synthesis:
         prejudice and prospects".

                       TUESDAY, JUNE 21

META & LOPSTR - Joint Session
9:30 - 10:30    Invited talk
         B. Dreben (Harvard Univeristy),
         Title to be announced

10:30 - 11:00   Coffee break

LOPSTR - Session 2
11:00 - 11:30
         C. Sakama and H. Seki (Research Institute of Kyoto
         and Nagoya Institute of Technology),
         "Partial deduction of disjunctive logic programs:
         a declarative approach".

11:30 - 12:00
         Michael Leuschel (K. U. Leuven),
         "Partial Evaluation of the Real Thing".

12:00 - 12:30
         P. Tarau and V. Dahl (Universite de Moncton and
         Simon Fraser University),
         "Logic Programming and Logic Grammars with
         First-Order Continuations".

12:30 - 13:00
         Sadegh Saidi (Ecole Centrale de Lyon),
         "Transformation of a class of two-levels grammars into
         Prolog programs".

META - Session 2
11:00 - 11:40
         W. van der Hoek, J-J. Meyer, J. Treur (Utrecht Univ, Free Univ.
         "Formal Semantics of Temporal Epistemic Reflection".

11:40 - 12:20
         J. Treur (Free Univ. Amsterdam),
         "Temporal Semantics of Meta-Level Architectures for
          Dynamic Control".

13:00 - 14:00      Lunch

LOPSTR - Session 3
14:00 - 14:30
         E. Marakakis and J.P. Gallagher (University of Bristol),
         "Schema-Based Top-Down Design of Logic Programs
         Using Abstract Data Types".

14:30 - 15:00
         Sophie Renault (INRIA, Rocquencourt),
         "Generalizing the extended execution for normal programs".

15:00 - 15:30
         H. Vandecasteele and D. De Schreye (K.U. Leuven),
         "Implementing a finite-domain CLP-language on top of Prolog:
         a transformational approach".

META - Session 3
14:00 - 14:40
        A. Brogi, S. Contiero (Universita' di Pisa),
        "Godel as a Meta-Language for Composing Logic Programs".

14:40 - 15:20
         P.M. Hill (University of Leeds),
         "Modular Programming and the Non-Ground Representation".

15:30 - 16:00     Coffee Break

LOPSTR - Session 4
16:00 - 16:30
        Jinsei Yamaguchi (Kanagawa University),
        "Semantically Transforming Logic Programs".

16:30 - 17:00
         David A. Basin (Max-Planck-Institut, Saarbrucken),
         "Logic Frameworks for Logic Programs".

17:00 - 17:30
         G. Wiggins (University of Edinburgh),
         "Whelk Type Theory".

17:30 - 18:00
         L. Fribourg and H. Olsen (LIENS, Paris and Linkoping University),
         "Direct, dual and contrapositive proofs by induction".

META - Session 4
16:00 - 16:40
         G. Attardi, M. Simi (Universita' di Pisa),
         "Proofs in context".

16:40 - 17:20
         F. Giunchiglia, A. Cimatti (IRST, Universita' di Trento),
         "Introspective Meta-Theoretic Reasoning".


                    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22
        COMPUNET Program Development Area Meeting

9:00 - 9:30
         J.-M Jacquet (U. Namur),
         "Verifying logic programs from metrics semantics".

9:30 - 10:00
         B. Martens, M. Bruynooghe and D. De Schreye (K.U. Leuven),
         "Automatic weight based unfolding with a satisfactory
          treatment of meta-interpreters".

10:00 - 10:30
         J. Komorowski (U. Trondheim),
         "Towards a refinement calculus for logic programs
          and the PAL environment".

10:30 - 11:00   Coffee break

11:00 - 11:30
         J. Maluszynski (U. Linkoping),
         "Using dependency relations for analysis of logic programs".

11:30 - 12:00
         A. Bossi, N. Cocco and S. Etalle (U. Padova, U. Venezia-Ca'
          Foscari, CWI),
         "Preserving termination while transforming programs".

12:00 - 12:30
         D. Boulanger, M. Bruynooghe and M. Denecker (K.U. Leuven),
         "Abstracting s-semantics using a model-theoretic approach".

12:30 - 14:00      Lunch

14:00 - 14:30
         M. Proietti and A. Pettorossi (IASI-CNR, U. Roma),
         "Total correctness of a goal replacement rule based on the
          unfold/fold proof".

14:30 - 15:00
         M. Bruynooghe, M. Codish and A. Mulkers (K.U. Leuven, Ben-Gurion U.),
         "Abstract unification for a composite domain deriving sharing and
          freeness properties".

15:00 - 15:30
         G. Semeraro (U. Bari),
         "Logical and algebraic foundations of machine learning".

15:30 - 16:00
         L. Fribourg and M. Veloso Peixoto (LIENS-CNRS),
         "Bottom-up evaluation of datalog programs with arithmetical



Please return this form and payment before MAY 15th, 1994 to:

D.G.M.P. srl
via Carducci 62/E
56010 Ghezzano (Pisa)

tel: +39  50  879740 / 879768
fax: +39  50  879812

Surname ______________________________________________________

First Name ___________________________________________________

Organisation _________________________________________________

Mailing address ______________________________________________


Tel _____________________________ Fax ________________________

accompained by _______________________________________________

WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FEE (VAT included):  Lit. 250.000

Reduced student fee:                       Lit. 180.000

The registration fee includes: lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner,
workshop pre-proceedings, and final LNCS post-conference proceedings.


Hotel rate per room per day:

       single              double              double for single
       160.000 min         214.000 min         181.000 min
       210.000 max         290.000 max         250.000 max
        80.000 min         110.000 min          95.000 min
        90.000 max         130.000 max         110.000 max
        68.000              91.000              80.000

- All prices are in Italian Lira.
- The prices are to be considered "bed and breakfast", including
  services and taxes.
- Accommodation forms arriving without the relevant payment will
  not be taken into consideration.
- Payment must be done in Lira, either by eurocheque (specifying
  overleaf the account number), by an international cheque on
  one account with an Italian bank, or by Credit Card.
- Single rooms are limited in number. If necessary, double rooms
  will be assigned for single occupancy at the indicated rates.
- All rooms have a private bath.
- Participants will receive a voucher for hotel reservation and
  registration confirmation.
- The hotel deposit is not refundable.
- Lit. 20.000 will be charged for organization and mailing purposes
  and will be detracted from the required deposit.


Required deposit per room: **** 210.000 / *** 120.000 / ** 80.000

Category required: | |****    | |***    | |**

Room with   | |1 bed     | |2 beds    | |3 beds

Number of rooms: ______

Arrival date _________________  Departure date __________________

Means of travel _________________________________________________

Expected time of arrival ________________________________________


A) I enclose cheque n. ________________________________________________

of the Bank ___________________________________________________________

to the order of D.G.M.P. for the amount of Lit. _______________________

as payment of the Hotel deposit and the Workshop registration fee.

B) Credit card

   | | VISA       | | MASTERCARD

   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|   expiry date (month/year): ____/____

   Print name as it appears on the card __________________________________

   Date __________________ Signature _____________________________________